Can Nuclear Energy be Safe?

Evidence over six decades has shown that nuclear energy is a safe and reliable source of electricity. The risk of accidents at nuclear power plants is low, and the data clearly demonstrate that nuclear energy is much safer than fossil fuels. Recent innovations could soon reduce risks even further. Nuclear power sources are dangerous because they emit particles of radiation and energy released from unstable molecules that try to calm down.

These radioactive missiles can impact the human body and damage cells or DNA, according to David Lochbaum, director of the Nuclear Safety project at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Too much radiation can cause cancer or even transmit genetic mutations to your children. Study after study in leading scientific journals have found that nuclear power plants are by far the safest way to produce reliable electricity. So why are we so afraid of them? Nuclear energy has no restrictions like solar and wind energy, which depend on weather conditions.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has strict rules governing the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, which involve cleaning radioactively contaminated power plant systems and structures and disposing of radioactive fuel. Despite this, many countries are moving away from nuclear power after Fukushima and plan to build 22 new coal plants in the next five years. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has a knowledge base on safety for aging and long-term operation of nuclear power plants (SKALTO) that aims to develop a framework for sharing information on aging management and long-term operation of nuclear power plants. The cost of producing electricity from nuclear energy is much lower than the cost of producing energy from gas, coal, or oil, unless those resources are located near the power plant they supply.

They demonstrate that nuclear reactors would be more resistant to such attacks than virtually any other civilian installation (see Appendix). These comprehensive and transparent nuclear risk and safety assessments, the so-called stress tests, involved a specific reassessment of the safety margins of each power reactor in the light of extreme natural events, such as earthquakes and floods, as well as loss of safety functions and accidents severe management after any start up event. The main positive outcome of this accident for the industry was the formation of the World Nuclear Operators Association (WANO), which was based on US precedent. It contains suggestions to make Nuclear Safety stronger and more effective than before, without eliminating the responsibility of national agencies and governments.

Analysis of the aftermath of next-generation reactors (SOARCA) showed that a serious accident at a United States nuclear power plant (PWR or BWR) would likely cause no immediate death, and that the risks of fatal cancer would be much lower than the overall risks of cancer. With nuclear energy, Alvin Weinberg, director of the Oak Ridge laboratory argued that humans could create fertilizers, fresh water and abundant food forever. Knowledge about nuclear fission had previously been kept secret but was released after his speech and several countries received it. Nuclear power's bad public relations started with atomic weapons, but a growing number of experts argue it can be used to help combat climate change. To achieve optimal safety, nuclear plants in the Western world operate with a “defense in depth” approach, with multiple safety systems that complement the natural characteristics of the reactor core. Several problems arise in extending the life of nuclear plants that were originally designed for a nominal operating life of 30 or 40 years.

Aging infrastructure can lead to increased risk if not properly maintained. In addition, new technologies must be developed to ensure that these plants remain safe over time. Finally, there must be an understanding among all stakeholders about how best to manage these risks. Overall, evidence over six decades has shown that nuclear energy is a safe means of generating electricity. Nuclear power sources emit particles of radiation and energy released from unstable molecules that try to calm down; however, study after study in leading scientific journals have found that nuclear power plants are by far the safest way to produce reliable electricity.

The cost of producing electricity from nuclear energy is much lower than other sources such as gas, coal or oil. To achieve optimal safety, multiple safety systems must be implemented which complement the natural characteristics of the reactor core.