Has Nuclear Power Plant Safety Improved?

Top Of The Week

Is Living Near a Nuclear Reactor Safe?

Radioactive materials can enter the body if people inhale, eat, or drink something contaminated. People living near...

Can a Nuclear Battery Explode?

Hydrogen is a highly explosive gas that is much lighter than air, so it will usually rise and disperse quickly if there...

The Lasting Impact of Nuclear Tests: Is There Still Radiation?

At present, very little radioactivity can still be detected from weapons tests in the 1950s and 1960s in the environment. ...

Where is the Best Place to Survive a Nuclear War?

The best locations to survive a nuclear war are underground and in the middle of larger buildings. As you move, it is...

How Far Away is Safe from a Nuclear Meltdown?

Minor first-degree burns can occur up to 11 km (6.8 miles) away, and third-degree burns, which destroy and blister skin...

Who Guards the Nation's Nuclear Weapons?

In support of the presidential mandate, the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) is...

Top Of The Month

Recent Post

Where is the Safest Place to Be During a Nuclear Attack?

The safest place in your home during a radiation emergency is a centrally located room or basement. This area should have ...

The Biggest Problem with Nuclear Energy: Radioactive Waste

Nuclear energy is a powerful source of electricity, but it also brings with it a number of political, environmental and...

The Dangers of Nuclear Energy: An Expert's Perspective

Nuclear energy has been a source of controversy for decades, with many people questioning its safety and potential for...

The Safety of Nuclear Energy: Exploring the Benefits and Risks

Nuclear energy is a clean energy source with no emissions, and it is by far the safest way to produce reliable...

Who Controls the Nuclear Power Plant? A Look at the International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is the international body responsible for monitoring and regulating nuclear ...

What Are the Health Risks of Working at a Nuclear Power Plant?

Working at a nuclear power plant can be a safe and rewarding experience, as long as the proper safety protocols are...

How Long Can You Stay Underwater in a Nuclear Submarine?

Nuclear power has revolutionized the submarine industry, allowing vessels to remain submerged for extended periods of...

Why Nuclear Safety is Crucial for Our World

The primary goal of nuclear safety is to ensure proper operating conditions and to prevent or reduce the consequences of...

Editors Picks

Can a Nuclear Reactor Explode? An Expert's Perspective

Can a Nuclear Reactor Explode? An Expert's Perspective

Nuclear explosions are impossible due to the design of a nuclear reactor. The MIT reactor, for example, is equipped with...

Safety Issues of Nuclear Power: An Expert's Perspective

Safety Issues of Nuclear Power: An Expert's Perspective

Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy that has been used for decades to generate electricity. However, it is not...

Is Working in a Nuclear Power Plant Safe?

Is Working in a Nuclear Power Plant Safe?

Working in the nuclear industry is one of the safest occupations, with a fatal injury rate of 0.1 per 100,000 workers....

Why is Safety Essential in Nuclear Reactors?

Why is Safety Essential in Nuclear Reactors?

Nuclear power plants are designed to prevent any abnormal incidents from occurring and, if they do, to stop the possible...

Understanding OSHA's Role in Nuclear Safety

Understanding OSHA's Role in Nuclear Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for the non-radiological health and safety of...

What are the Health Risks of Exposure to Nuclear Radiation?

What are the Health Risks of Exposure to Nuclear Radiation?

Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being near an atomic explosion, can cause serious health effects, such ...